Friday, May 9, 2008

Not so romantic

I have always seen pictures of the gondolas floating on the canals in Venice, and going beneath the Bridge of Sighs.

If I had known what it was, it wouldn't have seemed so appealing.

The Bridge of Sighs (pictured here in the background) was a bridge over which condemned people traveled on their way to the prison. The prison is that building in the photo on the left hand side.

They named it that because it was said that, when people traveled on it, they sighed their last, knowing they were about to die.


Later, when these people were taken to their beheadings, they went to St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco). The chopping block was placed between these two pillars. This is where they died. Because of this, Italians rarely walk between them even today; they say there is too much linger death there.

They are very superstitious.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

it is a little creepy. I don't know if I would walk between them either. Did you?