Sunday, April 27, 2008

It isn't easy being me

I am intimidated. Packing for a two week trip with a bus load of strangers, to visit a country where I am neither wanted or admired, I am at a loss. But it isn't the packing that has my feathers ruffled, nor is it the strangers I will encounter. My intimidation is brought on by my traveling companion; my wonderful and lovely Aunt Mae.

Mae always looks good. She has an elegant air about her that few can match. Least of all, me.
It isn't fair.

Mae is always well liked. She doesn't make enemies. She is, without exception, well groomed and dressed. Her hair is forever in place and the smile on her face is sincere.

Me on the other hand? I scare people. Not intentionally, it just happens. Probably because the look on my face says what I think. Or perhaps it's because I don't put up with crap.

Did I say crap?

That's another reason Mae is so well liked; she doesn't insult people.

So perhaps you understand my trepidation.


Michelle said...

HAHAHAHA this one makes me laugh. This is exactly why I love you.. and being reminded of all this about you makes me understand MYSELF. (remind me to tell william it's not my fault) :o)

Actually.. the thing people always tell me is how beautiful my mother is... and I think you are very fun. I think you're not putting up with crap is one thing that is my favorite about you. :o) I think you and Mae will be SUCH a good team. You'll be the popular ones at the bars. :o)

Bonnie said...

IF - and I say that not very hopeful - IF I can even get her there.

Michelle said...

OH you can't go to Europe without going to a Bar! That's just not right!